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Infra IR Reflektív szenzor, E3F-DS30C4
modul, NPN kimenet, 3 vezetékes szenzor
Cikkszám: #2018
Cikkszám: #2018
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(Bruttó) Ár:  4,490 Ft
(Bruttó) Ár: 4,490 Ft
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Infra IR Reflektív szenzor, E3F-DS30C4
Infra IR Reflektív szenzor, E3F-DS30C4
Infra IR Reflektív szenzor, E3F-DS30C4
Infra IR Reflektív szenzor, E3F-DS30C4
Infra IR Reflektív szenzor, E3F-DS30C4
Infra IR Reflektív szenzor, E3F-DS30C4
Infra IR Reflektív szenzor, E3F-DS30C4

NPN kimenet, 3 vezetékes változat. Széles tápfeszültség tartomány.

Névleges tápfeszültség: 5-30V (abs. max: 6-36V)

Fotoelektromos közelítés érzékelő, NPN, 5...30cm, 5...36V DC 

Kivezetések száma3 vezeték
Üzemi feszültség5...36V DC
Az érzékelő típusafotoelektromos
Érzékelési távolság5...30cm

  • A proximity-sensing  arrangement is one in which the transmitted must reflect off the object in order to reach the receiver. In this mode, an object is detected when the receiver sees the transmitted source rather than when it fails to see it.
  • Can be applied in security system, manufacturing industry.
Main ColorYellow, Black
Thread Dia18mm/0.71"
Senson Distance30cm Sensor
Country of ManufactureCHINA
Senson Head Dia16mm/0.63"
Output FormNPN NO 3 Wires
Sending LightInfrared Rays
Wire Length1.3m/4.2ft
Product NamePhotoelectric Sensor Switch
Net Weight56g
RatedDC 5-30V 200mA
Package Content1 x Photoelectric Sensor Switch
Body Size69 x 23mm/2.7" x 0.91"(L*Max.D)

Bekötése vigyázat a színekkel, ipari  sztenderhez igazítva, nem a fekete a föld! Helytelen bekötés esetén véglegesen károsodik a szenzor modul!

Barna: Pozitív táp
Kék: Negatív
Fekete: kimenet a NPN tranzisztornak

This photo detector and IR source work perfectly together. The body is about 2.75 inches (70 mm) long and threaded for about 1.75 inches (40 mm). It mounts in a 3/4 inch (18 mm) diameter hole by the two supplied knurled plastic nuts. The sensor cord is about 4 feet (1.2 m) long. The red filtered lens face is shaped to focus and receive the light. The brown wire is for the positive voltage connection, the blue wire is for the negative voltage and the black is the output of the NPN transistor. The positive wire is internally connected to the diode and the transistor. The detection range for non-reflective objects is 13 inches (32 cm) using a 12 mA current limiting resistor - and 7 inches (18 cm) using a 1 mA current limiting resistor. Setup is very easy. The small bump on the rear of the sensor is a red LED that lights up when the NPN transistor has been switched on. Very simply and very practical. The detection range is about 1/3 longer when sensing reflective objects. This lets you detect shiny objects against a non-reflective background.
And that's 1 of my 2 projects - building limit switches for an automatic pool cover. The pool cover system doesn't have limit switches and sometimes the kids run the cover too far and jam the cover in the tracks. The new limit switches watch the edge of the cover (non-reflective) as it moves. When they 'see' a piece of foil tape on the cover, they close the relay that stops the cover motor. Works every time - problem solved without paying the pool people $700 for a limit switch mod kit.
There are some things to consider in your application. When the transistor is switched on, some diode current is diverted to the output current and the indicator LED on the rear. When the diode current drops the detection range drops. If you try to operate the sensor at it's maximum range with a minimum current limiter, the sensor will blink on and off. Either increase the current to the sensor or reduce the range. You should limit the current to the transistor output and add 10 to 15 mA for the diode. This will determine the size of the total sensor current limiting diode. The specs say 300 mA maximum. Also, there's a capacitor inside the sensor circuit. The capacitor stops high frequency oscillations which would damage the circuit and makes activation suitable for many digital circuits.
The second project is a cat sensing watering dish. Since the entire project operates outside in the weather, all the pieces are PVC. The sensor is mounted inside a short length of PVC pipe. The dish, spout and drain are all plastic. Use a normal irrigation sprinkler valve with a 24 VAC solenoid. A 15 VDC 2 A wall adapter power supply works wells. The solenoid draws 500 mA at 15 VDC. Put the sensor facing sideways and use a 2N4401 to drive the solenoid. When the cat passes in front of the sensor, the water runs into the dish.
This sensor is an excellent product. High sensitivity, simple setup, practical design, rugged and sturdy. I'm thinking of more projects to make life simpler and better.

Super features, easy setup, clean operation, high sensitivity, rugged construction.

You can almost double the effective sensing range by placing the unit about two inches (50 mm) inside a 3/4 inch (18 mm) plastic pipe.

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