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Hightorque Turbo worm Geared motor GW370 DC12V 90RPM motor with encoder
Cikkszám: #3418
Cikkszám: #3418
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   14,990 Ft     (Bruttó) Ár:  13,990 Ft
(Bruttó) Ár: 14,990 Ft
13,990 Ft
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Hightorque Turbo worm Geared motor GW370 DC12V 90RPM motor with encoder
Hightorque Turbo worm Geared motor GW370 DC12V 90RPM motor with encoder
Hightorque Turbo worm Geared motor GW370 DC12V 90RPM motor with encoder
Hightorque Turbo worm Geared motor GW370 DC12V 90RPM motor with encoder
Hightorque Turbo worm Geared motor GW370 DC12V 90RPM motor with encoder
Hightorque Turbo worm Geared motor GW370 DC12V 90RPM motor with encoder

High torque Turbo worm Geared motor GW370 DC24V 40RPM 42RPM motor with encoder

Névleges fordulat: 90RPM (12V-nál)


      The motor is Gear DC motor with micro-turbine worm, you can change the wiring-connection to change motor rotation.

      1. Turbo worm geared motor with self-lock, that is, in the case of motor without electric, the output axis is fixed, self-lock.

      2. The reducer output shaft arranged vertically with the motor shaft, whole motor output shaft relatively-short than general gear motor, widely used to be installed the  dimensions requirements strictly occasion.

      Application: open the window, door, Mini winch. ect.

      It can work more accurate with the encoder.


       If the Reduction Ratio of this motor is more than 200, please do not use this motor on where its torque is more than 35kg·cm.


      • Rated Voltage: DC12V

       • No Load Speed: 90RPM

       • No load Current: <60ma

       • Rated Torque: 3.3kg·cm

       • Rated Speed: 65RPM

       • Rated Current: <400ma

       • Lock Rotor Torque: >10kg·cm

       • Lock Rotor Current: <1000ma

       • Reduction Ratio: 1:65

       • Pulse per rotation (PPR) of encoder: 11

       • Pulse per rotation (PPR) of motor: 715

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