Product Description:
M1A1 Abrams Tank faithfully reproduces the characteristics of a true fighting vehicle. Realistic caterpillar drive with independent suspension for each wheel and capable of turning the place is just the beginning. Extremely realistic present themselves emitted sound effects - the sound of the engine, shot a rifle and shot out of the barrel. The rotating turret allows further adjustment of the position of running vertically. It has not only good looks - to shoot plastic bullets.
The model is controlled using a simple to use radio, operating in the band of 27 MHz, which also adapts to the other frequencies, allowing the use of several transmitters of this type at the same time. Control range reaches up to 30 meters. Included is a 9V battery for power.
Presented tank is a model RTF - Included you will find everything you need to immediately go out to battle!
Prezentowany czołg to model typu RTR - w zestawie znajdziesz wszystko, co potrzebne aby natychmiast wyruszyć do boju!