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Sabertooth 2x60, dual 60A motor driver, regenerative
Dimension Engineering, intelligens motorvezérlők, USA gyártás
Cikkszám: #3678
Cikkszám: #3678
(Bruttó) Ár:  149,900 Ft
(Bruttó) Ár: 149,900 Ft
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Sabertooth 2x60, dual 60A motor driver, regenerative

Product Description

The Sabertooth 2X60 is one of the most versatile, efficient and easy to use dual motor drivers on the market. It is suitable for high powered robots - up to 120lbs in combat or up to 1000lbs for general purpose robotics.

Out of the box, the Sabertooth can supply two DC brushed motors with up to 60A each. Peak currents of 120A per channel are achievable for a few seconds.

Overcurrent and thermal protection means you'll never have to worry about killing the driver with accidental stalls or by hooking up too big a motor.

Sabertooth allows you to control two motors with: analog voltage, radio control, serial and packetized serial. You can build many different robots of increasing complexity for years to come with a Sabertooth. Sabertooth has independent and speed+direction operating modes, making it the ideal driver for differential drive (tank style) robots and more.

The operating mode is set with the onboard DIP switches so there are no jumpers to lose. Sabertooth features screw terminal connectors - making it possible for you to build a robot without even soldering.

Sabertooth is the first synchronous regenerative motor driver in its class. The regenerative topology means that your batteries get recharged whenever you command your robot to slow down or reverse. Sabertooth also allows you to make very fast stops and reverses - giving your robot a quick and nimble edge. [/p]

Sabertooth has a built in 5V 1A Switch-mode BEC that can supply power for your receiver or microcontroller, as well as 3-4 standard analog servos. The lithium cutoff mode allows Sabertooth to operate safely with lithium ion and lithium polymer battery packs - the highest energy density batteries available.

Sabertooth's transistors are switched at ultrasonic speeds (24kHz) for silent operation.

Sabertooth 2X60 uses 0.8 milliohm MOSFETs in its bridge.

Use of our motor drivers with cheap AC adapters is not recommended. Use a battery or at least put a battery in parallel with a DC supply.

Product Specs

Model:Sabertooth 2X60
Specifications:60A continuous, 120A peak per channel
6-30V nominal, 33.6V absolute maximum 

Synchronous regenerative drive
Ultra-sonic switching frequency
Thermal and overcurrent protection
Lithium protection mode 

Input modes: Analog, R/C, simplified serial, packetized serial

Size: 3” x 3.5” x 1.8”
76 x 89 x 46 mm
Documentation:Sabertooth 2x60.doc (3.8mb)
Sabertooth 2x60.pdf (1.8mb)
Quick start guide.doc
Quick start guide.pdf
Sabertooth DIP Switch Wizard
Motor driver efficiency comparison
Sample RPM versus throttle graph
DEScribe Manual
Software:Arduino Libraries
.NET (C#, VB) Library
DEScribe PC Software
Applications:Combat robots up to 120lb
Normal and hobby robots up to 1000lb
Differential drive robots
Electric vehicles, ride-on toys, scooters

Easy speed/direction control for pumps, conveyors, automation and any application that uses two brushed DC motors
Application notes:Using a SyRen/Sabertooth with an ATX (or similar) DC power supply

Packetized mode with a PIC and Sabertooth

Using Sabertooth with Roborealm

Libraries for Arduino
Customer projects:Brad Hedges's C Sabertooth driver

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