Könnyen meghajtható LCD kijelző, a hagyományos mód helyett itt tetszőleges soros módban: UART, I2C, SPI lehetőségünk van a kijelző kezelésére.
4 nyomógomb, és ledek is a fejlesztő panelen. Ajánlott :PIC, Arduino, AVR, stb...
Serial:UART/I2C/SPI 2002 White/Blue LCD+4 Push Button
+3 LEDs for Arduino/AVR/PIC
Unlike other "Serial Display" which just convert serial input to parallel, Digole's Serial displays and adapters embedded a powerful MCU to process the commands received, display characters and control back light as you want, all commands are simple, high level and easy to remember!
What benefits you if using these products in you electronic projects?
Save lots of the I/O resources: these products only need 1 to 3 I/O pins from your master controller that depends on the communication type you want.
Easy to use: the commands sending to products are easy to remember and understand.
Supply voltage: 4.8V to 5.5V
Communication mode: UART/I2C/SPI, defined by the jumper on board
Receiving buffer: 64 bytes
Turn backlight on/off by software to save energy
Simple command sets, easy to remember
Default setting: UART baud 9600bps, I2C address is 0x27
UART baud (bps): 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, selected by software
Manual, Arduino lib, sample code download here
Arduino Sample Code(download here):
Pinout of this module connect to MCU:
PIN | Description | PIN | Description |
1 | GND (0V) | 2 | SS: SPI mode only chip select control in, low active |
3 |
I2C and SPI mode: |
4 |
UART mode: |
5 | VCC: power supply 1.8V to 5.5V depends on you LCD |
Character/Graphic Display Shared Command: (B-one byte, B…-Bytes)
Command |
Description |
Arduino lib function |
note |
CL |
CLear screen and set the display position to first Column and first Row (x=0.y=0), for graphic LCD, it also set the font to default and turn off the cursor. |
clearScreen(); |
set CurSor on/off |
enableCursor(); |
Set Back Light ON/OFF, B=0 or 1, 0 off, 1 on |
backLightOn(); |
Not available on Character Adapter V1 |
Display Config on/off, the factory default set is on, so, when the module is powered up, it will display current communication mode on LCD, after you design finished, you can turn it off |
displayConfig(0); |
SBB… |
Set UART Baud, B are ASCII characters, the available values are: “300”, “1200”, “2400”,”4800”, “9600”, “14400”, “19200”, “28800”, “38400”, “57600”,”115200” |
Set BAUD when initial the class |
When adapter power up or reset, always start with 9600 Baud |
Set I2C Address,the default address is 0x27, the adapter will store the new address in memory |
setI2CAddress(0x34); |
Change address to 0x34 |
Set Text Columns and Rows, this command will config your LCD if other than 1602 and the chip is other than KS0066U/F / HD44780 |
setLCDColRow(20,4); |
The last 4 B should be“\x80\xC0\x94\xD4” |
set Text Position for following display |
setPrintPos(6,1); |
This will affect the following “TT” command |
TTB… |
display TexT string, the text will wraped in next row if the current row fulled, the Text Postion will be changed to the last char displyed, this command ended by 0x00 or 0x0D received |
print(string); |
The print function in Arduino, also can print other data and format the out put. |
Manual CommanD: send command B to display bypass the adapter |
directCommand(0xaf); |
Use it if you want to control the display directly |
Manual DaTa: send data B to display bypass the adapter |
directData(0x88); |
Same as above |