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Walkera QR X350, RTF3
professzionális quadcopter, quadrocopter
Cikkszám: #1053
Cikkszám: #1053
(Bruttó) Ár:  239,000 Ft
(Bruttó) Ár: 239,000 Ft
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Walkera QR X350, RTF3
Walkera QR X350, RTF3
Walkera QR X350, RTF3
Walkera QR X350, RTF3
Walkera QR X350, RTF3
Walkera QR X350, RTF3

QR Walker rtf1 X350 is a modern four arms Helicopter with stables Walker , or an experienced manufacturer of flying models .

Summary drone an affordable model that could be used for aerial photography or FPV ( first person view ) .

This type of helicopters are designed to perform a variety of tasks. Modern electronics, controlled by the microprocessor , the system adjust the position and acceleration sensors , stabilize the Helicopter .
Powerful brushless motors 1000kVA combined with propellers 90x45 enable long flights and provide great traction so that you can mount the camera gimbal . The helicopter has an innovative control system and electronic samostabilizacji , making flight characteristics are excellent. Different programs flights will make both beginners and professionals will love this helicopter .

Designer frame and lightweight design , containing strong and flexible plastic parts , is stable and provides excellent flight characteristics . With a stable frame construction , a helicopter weighs little, and the electronics are well protected . The model was also intended for experienced pilots who can perform the custom flight of the day and night. If you want to use the functionality of aerial photography must buy a camera.

By using a GPS module that uses low of 12 satellites, electronic compass and a system of intelligent control Helicopter QR X350 had a great summer! Autopilot , automatic recovery or copter landing and locking in a fixed position / height is only part of the many features packed into this compact wielowirnikowcu !

RTF3 version has been enhanced with advanced seven- channel transmitter Walkera Devo F7 working in the 2.4GHz band with a large color LCD display . Thanks to him after buying the camera , we can observe everything from a bird's eye FPV system .

All this makes the QR Walker X350 is a great wielowirnikowiec , with many advanced solutions and kopmletnym FPV in the set, and the attractive price makes the presented model disqualifies competitive Phantom brand DJI .

FONTOS: az RTF3 Kit tartalmazza a DV04-es kamerát, microSD kártya nélkül, és nem tartalmazza a külső kamerát a gimbalos stabilizációs rendszerrel, ami néhány fotón illusztrációként szerepel!



• Length: 290mm
• Height: 180mm
• Diameter: 290mm
• Engines: 4 x WK -WS -28- 008A Brushless Outrunner 1000kVA
• Radio: Walker Devo7 2.4Ghz
• Diameter of wire : 14 AWG
• The autopilot
• The automatic landing
• The auto return
• Sensor height
• The 2.4 GHz DEVOF7 7-channel LCD screen
• Stable , agile and easy to fly
• Multiple modes of flight control , including the hover
• Intelligent control position by using GPS
• Fall protection
• Protection against low charge
• LED indicators for easy positioning during flight
• Controller Included
• Huge range
• Duration 15 min .


• Model Quadrocopter Walker QR X35
• The 2.4 GHz DEVOF7 7 -channel color LCD screen
• Receiver RX -702
• GPS module Cirocomm
• The compass
• Spare propeller
• The main controller
• The battery for the transmitter 7.4V 800mAh
• Battery 11.1V 2200mAh 25C LiPo
• Module with camera DV04 (requires a MicroSD card )
• The cable for connecting the camera



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