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Walkera F210 RTF1 verseny drón
(Devo 7, HD 700TVL kamera, akku, töltő, FPV transmission, OSD, hatótáv 800m-ig)
Cikkszám: #2186
Cikkszám: #2186
(Bruttó) Ár:  149,000 Ft
(Bruttó) Ár: 149,000 Ft
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Walkera F210 RTF1 verseny drón
Walkera F210 RTF1 verseny drón
Walkera F210 RTF1 verseny drón
Walkera F210 RTF1 verseny drón
Walkera F210 RTF1 verseny drón
Walkera F210 RTF1 verseny drón
Walkera F210 RTF1 verseny drón

F210 version of RTF is the latest drone racing stables Walker. Ready to fly straight out of the box, equipped with everything you would expect from a modern design - 700TVL HD camera (resolution ~ 0,92MP), transmission FPV, or OSD. Importantly, if you only buy an accessory, you can be connected to the camera model type GoPro, iLook + Cam808 or other compatible.

The model is characterized by a modular structure - it was built in a way that allows both quick disassembly and expansion of the model. Extremely durable frame has been subjected to numerous tests, including the impact strength, bending strength, extreme temperatures and humidity, and is more robust than that used in the model Runner 250.

Built-in camera has a function of filming at night and in low light. Depending on the intensity of light, camera sensors adapt to the ambient brightness by going in infrared mode for flights in darkness, so that time of day there is no barrier.

User can change the camera angle in the range of 120 degrees, depending on their needs. The higher the speed of the model, the greater the inclination, so the camera angle must be set odpowiedno their piloting skills.

The antenna of "mushroom" provides excellent coverage control, transmission of telemetry data as well as excellent image mode FPV. Apparatus DEVO 7 is running at 2.4GHz, and is designed to control the models wielowirnikowców. It includes powerful programs, and all of the features and capabilities that can be expected for both beginners and advanced modeler already.

Walker F210 is a model RTF - ready to fly right out of the box. See for yourself how much emotion will bring you flights this model!

WARNING! To use the transmission FPV, you can purchase an external monitor FPV goggles or working at a frequency of 5.8GHz. Monitor FPV and goggles are not included in the kit !.

Technical data

  • Dimensions: 182x182x103mm
  • The diameter of the rotor: 128mm
  • Weight: 370g (without battery)
  • Sony hd camera Night Vision
  • Camera Resolution: 700TVL (~ 0,92MP)
  • Display System: PAL / NTSC
  • Video Output: 1.0 Vp-p / 75Ω
  • Supply voltage cameras: 12V DC
  • Range model up to 800m
  • Power supply: LiPo battery 14.8V 1300mAh 40C
  • Flight time: up to 9min
  • Brushless motors 2500KVA
  • Dedicated brushless speed controller
  • Applied flight controller: FCS-F210 (F3)
  • 5.8GHz Transmitter: TX5824 (CE), the output voltage ≤25mW, 8 channels
  • Dron Walker F210
  • Apparatus Devo 7 receiver RX713
  • Battery 14.8V 1300mAh LiPo
  • Charger 3,3A 60W 4S
  • 4 spare blades
  • USB-micro USB for firmware upgrade
  • Cable Mono Jack 3.5mm-3.5mm mono jack to transmit the digital signal
  • A set of keys
  • Non-slip pad to the battery
  • CD guide and operating instructions in English

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