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WL Quadcopter V686G 2.4GHz
Cikkszám: #2188
Cikkszám: #2188
(Bruttó) Ár:  55,900 Ft
(Bruttó) Ár: 55,900 Ft
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WL Quadcopter V686G 2.4GHz
WL Quadcopter V686G 2.4GHz
WL Quadcopter V686G 2.4GHz
WL Quadcopter V686G 2.4GHz
WL Quadcopter V686G 2.4GHz
WL Quadcopter V686G 2.4GHz
WL Quadcopter V686G 2.4GHz

Product description

  Quadcopter WL Toys V686G is an excellent choice for people who want to record video and take pictures of high quality at an affordable price. Lightweight design and compact size make it you can take it with you everywhere!

The design of the model makes it highly resistant to falls and collisions - all thanks to the high quality of the materials used. The flexible material of which are made of rotor blades makes them very durable, and the risk of breakage is minimal. With wind resistance model works well indoors and outdoors.

Quadcopter V686G has 6-axis stabilization system (FSS), which makes the machine is agile and manoeuvrable, and at the same time very stable in flight. Remarkable stability and ease of operation enable seamless service which can handle even a child not having never before contact with remote-controlled models and thus become experience.

Quadcopter V686G has 6-axis stabilization system (FSS), which makes the machine is agile and manoeuvrable, and at the same time very stable in flight. Remarkable stability and ease of operation enable seamless service which can handle even a child not having never before contact with remote-controlled models and thus become experience.

Additionally, the model is equipped with a high quality camera that can take pictures (1600 x 1200) and record videos in HD 720p at 30 FPS frames / sec. The signal from the camera is sent to the LCD screen 4.3 ", mounted directly on the remote control.

With the 5.8GHz FPV (First Person View) image from a camera mounted on Droni is transmitted in real time on the LCD screen located on the transmitter. This enables better control of the drone, preview view, and at the same time video recording during the flight. The FPV in Droni is like the icing on the cake.

In order to avoid interference between the system and the FPV signal from the transmitter WLToys V686G uses two different frequencies. FPV operates at a frequency of 5.8GHz, and the remote control at 2.4 GHz, so the range is much greater, and the response to the control is 100 times faster than traditional pilots with a frequency of 27/40 MHz. The transmitter can operate in either MODE1 or MODE2.

Presented drone WL Toys V686G this model rc RTF, or ready to fly right out of the box, all you need is 6 pcs, AA (the usual "fingers") to the transmitter, which also can buy in our store.
Technical data
  • attractive appearance
  • The construction of impact-resistant
  • 6-axis stabilization system (GYRO)
  • Flights 3D
  • Ease of use
  • The FPV
  • Dimensions: 20 x 20 x 9.3 cm
  • The length of the propellers:
  • Weight:
  • Battery: 3.7V 730mAh LiPo
  • Radio: proportional, dwudrążkowe 4CH 2.4GHz
  • Charging time: 90 minutes
  • Flight time: 8-10 minutes
  • Range: up to 150m
  • Quadrocopter V686G
  • Transmitter 4CH 2.4GHz
  • Charger
  • Battery
  • Screen FPV 4.3 "
  • HD 2.0MP camera
  • Anti-vibration camera mount
  • 4 spare blades
  • Memory Card 2GB
  • User manual

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