Resistance type Thin film Pressure sensor probe RFP602 compatible FSR402 piezoresistive Pressure switch long tail
Range 20KG
A rezisztív film nyomás szenzorok görbéje közel sem lineáris, ezért bármelyik névleges opcióval jól aklamazható kisebb súlyok detektálására.
Operating Temperature:-30~85 celsius
Type:Logic ICs
Application:Film Pressure Sensor
Product Introduction:
Applications:Applications:for test soil pressure measurement,test material pressure distribution measurement (not recommend to use in fields which needs to teat precise pressure)
The principle of the pressure sensor test is to apply the stress applied in the sensing area of the sensor film into the change of the two-line resistance value, and obtain the external stress change information according to the calibration curve of the stress-resistance. The greater the stress, the lower the sensor output resistance.
Scope of application:
Can be used for geotechnical engineering triaxial test earth pressure test, sample pressure distribution test, bionic robot foot under the ground sensing, mammalian bite force test biological experiments and other industrial fields.
Unit Type:piece