Tápfeszültség (bemenet): 10-60V
Állítható áramkorláttal: 0-20A
Lágyindító funkcióval (soft start)
M+: Motor pozitív
M-: motor negatíve
Vezérlési lehetőségek (A vezérlési módok és beállításaik jumperrel állíthatóak):
1. Potméteres vezérlés (a beépített 0-5V-os tartományban)
2. PWM külső vezérlés (external jelfeszltség 3-20V lehet, minimum 2mA terhelhetőséggel)
3. Analóg külső vezérlés választhatóan 0-5V vagy 0-10V jelszinttel
Alkalmas egyirányú és két irányú vezérlésre is potméterrel, vagy külső analóg feszültséggel. Utóbbi esetben potméterrel, vagy külsőjellel 0-2.5V-ig egyik irány, 2.5-5V-ig másik irány vezérelhető. STOP mód közép állapotban kb. 2.4-2.6V-ig.
Méret: 9.5cm x: 7cm x 3.5cm , kábehossz 40cm
Features:VCC positive supply 10-60V, be sure to set before energizing voltage adaptation
GND Negative , if you want to reduce the external interference shielding box connected to terminals or here at the cathode connected to the power supply
M+ Motor positive
M- motor negative
Control ports:
1. 5V: driver board internal 5V power supply, the output capacity of less than 100mA, with potentiometer mode is recommended only to use , do not drive other circuits
2. PWM: external PWM control signal input level range ,3-20V , 2mA current requirements ;
3. ADJ: external 0-5V or 0-10V control signal input
GND: ground control signals , such as the shield shell is not allowed to pick pick here is also not allowed in this place other circuits connected GND,
DOWN: control signal, the internal coupler control signal and GND effective turn ( optocoupler turns on, can also be used microcontroller , NPN switch control )
UP: control signal, the internal coupler control signal and GND effective turn ( optocoupler turns on, can also be used microcontroller , NPN switch control )
STOP: control signal, the internal coupler control signal and GND effective turn ( optocoupler turns on, can also be used microcontroller , NPN switch control )
Mode setting (jumper):
1, M1 = short, M2 = open circuit mode 1; potentiometer voltage three-stage control + STOP allowed to run
(The default value for this speed mode)
STOP LOW can control the motor,
After the input voltage of 2.5V, the motor stops; Usually this range 2.4-2.6, for interference.
2.5 gradually accelerated to 0V reverse rotation,2.5-5V forward speed rotation; That middle position potentiometer stops on both sides of adjustment on both sides of the motor speed.
2, M1 = open, M2 = short circuit, Mode 2; potentiometer voltage + DOWN state control Reversible, STOP allowed to run
STOP low (short circuit to GND on) is enabled, the driver can control the motor voltage and DOWNsignals; high motor brake stops, the voltage and DOWN signal is inactive.
DOWN HIGH forward and low reverse;
ADJ :0-5V input voltage signal corresponding to 0-100% RPM rotational speed, direction depends on the DOWN state.
3, M1 = short, M2 = short circuit, mode 3; pure button (switching signal) control
Lead out four lines, as then three buttons . Or and 5V microcontroller interface driver , MCU sends a low pulse more than 100 milliseconds . Drive current is 5 mA current required to drop .
Press the STOP / DIR: whatever status, speed, motor brake immediately stops ;
Press UP: positive direction accelerate a file.
Press DOWN: reverse direction acceleration a file
Forward and reverse direction acceleration has 10 stalls, such as the current 3 files running in the opposite direction , according to a UP, running into the opposite direction two files ; if the current in the positive direction of the four files , press UP to positive direction 5 file , if the current in the positive direction 3 files, press 5 times DOWN 2 files into the opposite direction
4, PWM frequency setting :
Freq1 = short , Freq2 = short circuit , low frequency ; 5K
Freq1 = open , Freq2 = short circuit, IF ; 10K
Freq1 = short , Freq2 = open circuit , high frequency ; 15K ( the default value for this frequency )
5, 5V/10V control options:
5V/10V = short circuit , 10V signal control ;
5V/10V = open , 5V signal control ; ( default value is 0-5V)
6, S_PWM external PWM signal control :
S_PWM = short circuit, select the external PWM signal to control
S_PWM = open circuit voltage signal signal control
Select the external PWM signal control is not allowed while the input voltage signal, nor can 5V/10V = short circuit.
7, 12V_SEL voltage adaptation ( must be carefully checked before energizing to prevent burn ! )
12V_SEL = short circuit, voltage range 10-18V
12V_SEL = open circuit, voltage range 18-60V ( default value for this voltage )
Voltage adaptation is configured correctly premise : the voltage more than 60V, the more easily damaged ; voltage lower than 10V, the system undervoltage protection
8, overcurrent Recovery:
Mode 3 : Re- ended signal to a STOP to unprotect
Mode 2: STOP signal is reset , that is reconnected after disconnection and GND
Mode 1: STOP signal is reset , that is reconnected after disconnection and GND
9, soft start settings:
WR1: motor speed change rate ( soft-start ) clockwise to increase the time , counter-clockwise to reduce the range of about 0-5 seconds. ( Default 2.5 seconds )
10, the current valve setting:
WR2: current protection value adjustment clockwise to decrease , counterclockwise increases ,0-20A. (Default 15A)
Length: 9.5cm width: 7cm height: 3.5cm Length of line: 40cm